
Monday, March 19, 2012

ESC 2012 - Spain: Music video and final version of "Quédate Conmigo" released

And we have the final version and the video clip of "Quédate Conmigo"! Watch it here. The video is really nice but I won't focus on that.

So in the final version there's instrumentation added to the verses. Especially to the second one. I was excited at the beginning about these changes but I listened to the new version a few times and I think I miss the first one. Or at least the one she performed in the final. Yes, I think I prefer the one in the spanish final. But that won't stop me from giving 12 points to Spain.

Moreover I noticed a more dramatic performance by Pastora in this version. The only thing I don't like on this version is the part at 2:23. That "ooooh". But ok. It's nothing big. And because I know Pastora, her live performance will be much better. I always watch her live performances on youtube. They are epic!

So that's all about Spain! Now we wait until May. Unless of course something else comes up.


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