One of those moments where I don't know where to start! Seriously this time is so hard! I'd better take it day by day.
Schlager day! The most schlager-ish day of my life so far! Melodifestivalen's final was nowhere near this! Let me give you the list with the artists and the songs they performed at Stockholm Pride.
Did we manage to meet? YES! But how we did that is the part I cannot reveal. I will just thank her once again for what she did for us! I met her in front of the big stage. We talked for a while and took some photos. And I'm so glad that I finally met the last (ex)Alcazar member! Now what's missing is a photo with all 5 of them. But yeah, what are the odds? Anyway I'm not done about that meeting! Before Annikafiore's arrival I was waiting for Margot. When Annikafiore came to me I called Margot several times but she didn't pick up! Annikafiore had to go... She told me she had to buy new shoes because she didn't want to celebrate the Pride with the ones she was wearing (which were fine!). Such a diva! Well we all know her passion for shoes, don't we? So she had to go... But what about Margot? Wouldn't she meet her? Of course she did! This is the second part that I cannot reveal. It's a bit different from "my case" but I'm not sure I can say anything about it.
I will only say that, I seriously doubt if any other artist in the world would do what Annikafiore did just to meet a couple of her fans! So once again, thank you Annika!
And now let's go to part two! The meeting with Annikafiore took place aroun 15:30. Since then I didn't leave my spot right in front of the stage until a little after midnight! Until Alcazar finished their last gig! Their last gig ever? I sure hope not! A few weeks ago they said that they will come back. But today I read an interview (in swedish) that they gave yesterday saying that Alcazar might come back with different members! WHAT?!!? I discovered Alcazar in summer 2004 with Magnus in the group. I loved them! When they decided to take a break in 2005 I was devastated because I didn't know it was a break. I thought they'd split up for good. When I was looking for some lyrics in 2008 I logged in and I was surprised! Different layout and this photo!
My first reaction was "oh my God! They're back!! Without Magnus but it's ok! They're back with the original format!" but after a closer look I realise that the girl on the photo isn't Annikafiore! So I had my doubts at the beginning but no. Lina fitted perfectly in Alcazar! And if you ask me which Alcazar era is my favourite, please don't wait for an answer. You won't get one! Each era is perfect for different reasons. But my point is that I accepted Lina in no time. But I'm not sure if I can keep doing this! Please no more new members/eras! They should come back the way they are now or don't come back at all! And I hate myself for saying this right now! But no more changes! And I just thought about something! If they don't plan to come back I say they do a very special show. Starting from the very beginning with Andreas, Annikafiore and Tess performing songs from the "Casino" album, Magnus joining them - let's say in act 2 - singing songs from the album "Alcazarized" and then Annikafiore and Magnus leave the stage and in act 3 Lina joins Andreas and Tess and they sing songs from the album "Disco Defenders" (and of course singles that are not included in any of the albums). And for the final song? Well all 5 of them should record a brand new song and perform it only once! Poor Andy and Tess! They will get extremely tired performing for that long! Even with breaks! :P But seriously I just fell in love with this idea! Again, what are the odds of something like this happening? :/
But let's go back to Pride! Too many artists performed! Apart from Alcazar which was the highlight of the evening, another highlight for me was the reunion (even for only one song) of my beloved Afro-Dite!! I saw them performing live!! Ooh! :D But unfortunately it wasn't "Never Let It Go"... It was a new song with Jonas Hedqvist called "I Am What I Am". And I will just write all the names that come up right now because the important part is after Alcazar's performance! So we saw on stage Shirley's Angels with the new single "Love In The First Degree", Getty Domein, NEO, Tove Styrke, Le Kid, Ulrik Munther... And then a girl comes on stage and starts singing. I go "God why is she so familiar?" and then they say her name. Tatiana! "Yes! It's Tatiana Okupnik from Poland!" She was the lead singer of Blue Café when they represented Poland in ESC 2004!! So I can add to the list another ESC artist that I saw live! :P But let's go on with the rest of them. Shirley Clamp gave us an extra performance. She was supposed to sing at the wedding of two girls but from what I got she couldn't make it and she performed just for them. Here comes a photo
Then we had Bryan Rice, Anthony Callea, Diamond Dogs with a great show, Lili & Susie, Adam Tyler, Anders Fernette, Christian Walz, Straight Up, Kazaky and of course Alcazar!
So it's over. Alcazar finished their performance we were waiting for them. Luckily Bonnie and Sara had access to the backstage and they brought Alcazar to us! Now I seriously doubt if it was (only) my message that made them do what they did. Let me make it clear to you. A week ago we saw this photo
on Tess' blog. We wanted so badly those t-shirts! So I sent a message to Tess and asked if there was a way to get them. So on Saturday night when they came out to see us, Tess was holding a bag full of these t-shirts! They gave them to us and they also gave us some t-shirts to send to the other fans that weren't there. For example our friend Raoni from Brazil and Jessica from Italy! Oh Alcazar! <3
And then came the photo session! Some people coming and go to the backstage were stopping by to get photos with Alcazar so when my turn comes I say "ok guys. My turn now" and Andreas goes "no! We have to go! Bye!"!!!!! He always does that! Hahahahaha Of course I got a photo! A historical one! A photo with Alcazar right after their last gig! Oh yes! And I asked them to sign the t-shirt! Once again, why does Tess have to do all the writing? Lina and Andreas just signed the t-shirt but Tess wrote a few words...
and she signed it. The fan part is that she started saying phrases in greek. "Ti kanis? Kala. Afto ine ena potiri" (How are you? Fine. This is a glass). Hahahaha the last one was so off! Hahahahaha
That was it! 3 great days! And now it's official! The best day for the year 2011 is August 6th! And I know that we still have 4 months to go but what else could happen? Hm maybe the special show? ;P
This was my first Pride! If it's gonna be like this every year then next year should hurry!